List of Linux Commands 
Red Hat-based &Debian-based
Linux distributions

List of Linux Commands Red Hat-based &Debian-based Linux distributions


2 min read

Here is a list of commonly used commands for

Red Hat-based Linux distributions:

  1. yum: Package manager for Red Hat-based distributions

  2. rpm: Package management tool for Red Hat-based distributions

  3. systemctl: Service management tool for system services

  4. service: Command for managing system services

  5. chkconfig: Tool for managing the start-up of system services

  6. firewall-cmd: Tool for managing the firewall

  7. ifconfig: Tool for configuring network interfaces

  8. nslookup: Tool for querying the DNS to obtain domain name or IP address mapping

  9. ssh: Secure shell client for logging into a remote machine

  10. scp: Secure file copy tool for copying files between systems

  11. top: Dynamic real-time view of system processes

  12. ps: Tool for displaying information about system processes

  13. df: Tool for displaying information about disk space usage on file systems

  14. du: Tool for estimating the space used by files and directories.

These are some of the most commonly used commands for Red Hat-based distributions, but there are many others.

Here is a list of commonly used commands for Debian-based Linux distributions:

  1. apt-get: Package manager for Debian-based distributions

  2. dpkg: Package management tool for Debian-based distributions

  3. systemctl: Service management tool for system services

  4. service: Command for managing system services

  5. iptables: Tool for managing the firewall

  6. ifconfig: Tool for configuring network interfaces

  7. nslookup: Tool for querying the DNS to obtain domain name or IP address mapping

  8. ssh: Secure shell client for logging into a remote machine

  9. scp: Secure file copy tool for copying files between systems

  10. top: Dynamic real-time view of system processes

  11. ps: Tool for displaying information about system processes

  12. df: Tool for displaying information about disk space usage on file systems

  13. du: Tool for estimating the space used by files and directories.

These are some of the most commonly used commands for Debian-based distributions, but there are many others.

Source: ChatGPT