Open AI & AppliTools VS Tricentis Tosca


9 min read

I am a sales manager. I have to showcase open ai and Applitools to one of my customers who is using Tricentis Tosca. can you please showcase what open ai and Applitools can do that tricentisĀ platformĀ cannot do? show me a professional paragraph or a list.

1: Bard (Reply):

Sure, here are some of the things that OpenAI and Applitools can do that Tricentis Tosca cannot:

  • Use artificial intelligence (AI) to automate visual testing. OpenAI and Applitools can use AI to identify and compare visual elements on a page, even if they are slightly different. This can help to reduce the number of manual visual tests that need to be performed and can also help to improve the accuracy of visual testing.

  • Run cross-browser and cross-device tests more quickly. OpenAI and Applitools can use cloud-based grids to run cross-browser and cross-device tests more quickly than Tricentis Tosca. This can help to save time and resources, and can also help to ensure that your applications are compatible with a wider range of devices and browsers.

  • Provide more detailed visual reporting. OpenAI and Applitools can provide more detailed visual reporting than Tricentis Tosca. This can help you to identify and troubleshoot visual defects more easily.

  • Easily integrate with other testing tools. OpenAI and Applitools can easily integrate with other testing tools, such as Tricentis Tosca. This can help you to create a more comprehensive testing environment.

Here is a table that summarizes the key differences between OpenAI and Applitools and Tricentis Tosca:

FeatureOpenAI and ApplitoolsTricentis Tosca
Use of AI for visual testingYesNo
Speed of cross-browser and cross-device testingFasterSlower
Detail of visual reportingMore detailedLess detailed
Integration with other testing toolsEasyMore difficult

Overall, OpenAI and Applitools offer a number of advantages over Tricentis Tosca when it comes to visual testing. If you are looking for a solution that can automate visual testing, run cross-browser and cross-device tests quickly, and provide detailed visual reporting, then OpenAI and Applitools are a good option to consider.

2: ChatGPT (Reply):

Certainly! Here's a professional paragraph showcasing what OpenAI and Applitools can offer that Tricentis Tosca may not provide:

OpenAI and Applitools offer unique advantages that can complement and enhance your testing capabilities beyond what Tricentis Tosca provides. OpenAI's advanced language model, such as GPT-3.5, enables natural language processing and generation, empowering you to automate and streamline various sales and customer service processes. With OpenAI, you can create conversational AI agents, automate email responses, generate content for marketing campaigns, and even assist with writing code documentation. This opens up possibilities for increased efficiency, personalized customer experiences, and improved overall productivity. Additionally, Applitools specializes in visual testing and AI-powered visual AI Testing and Monitoring. Applitools can automatically detect and flag visual defects in your web and mobile applications, leveraging AI algorithms to compare and validate visual elements across different browsers, devices, and screen resolutions. With Applitools, you can achieve comprehensive visual testing, detect subtle UI inconsistencies, and ensure consistent user experiences across platforms. These innovative solutions from OpenAI and Applitools can provide you with a competitive edge by augmenting your testing and customer interaction capabilities, allowing you to deliver high-quality software while improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Alternatively, here's a list showcasing the unique features and benefits of OpenAI and Applitools:


  1. Advanced language model (GPT-3.5) for natural language processing and generation.

  2. Automation of sales and customer service processes.

  3. Creation of conversational AI agents.

  4. Automated email responses and content generation for marketing campaigns.

  5. Assistance with code documentation and technical writing.


  1. Specialization in visual testing and AI-powered visual AI Testing and Monitoring.

  2. Automatic detection and flagging of visual defects.

  3. AI algorithms to compare and validate visual elements across browsers, devices, and screen resolutions.

  4. Comprehensive visual testing for web and mobile applications.

  5. Detection of subtle UI inconsistencies and ensuring consistent user experiences.

By leveraging the capabilities of OpenAI and Applitools alongside Tricentis Tosca, you can augment your testing and customer interaction capabilities, leading to increased efficiency, improved software quality, and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Here's a tabular format highlighting the positives of OpenAI and Applitools compared to Tricentis Tosca:

Feature/AdvantageOpenAIApplitoolsTricentis Tosca
Natural Language ProcessingAdvanced language model (GPT-3.5) enables natural language processing and generation.--
AutomationCan automate sales and customer service processes.-Automation capabilities available.
Conversational AI AgentsCan create conversational AI agents.--
Content GenerationCan automate email responses and generate content for marketing campaigns.--
Code DocumentationCan assist with code documentation and technical writing.--
Visual Testing-Specializes in visual testing and AI-powered visual AI Testing and Monitoring.-
Visual Defect Detection-Automatically detects and flags visual defects.-
Cross-platform Validation-Compares and validates visual elements across browsers, devices, and screen resolutions.-
Comprehensive Testing-Ensures comprehensive visual testing for web and mobile applications.-
UI Consistency-Detects subtle UI inconsistencies and ensures consistent user experiences.-

Please note that the "-" indicates that the particular feature or advantage is not explicitly highlighted for that specific tool.

nice, build a strong case to pitch open ai and aplitools vs Tricentis for generative ai based testing.

1: Bard (Reply):

Sure, here are some points you can use to pitch OpenAI and Applitools vs. Tricentis for generative AI-based testing:

  • OpenAI and Applitools are more specialized in generative AI-based testing. Tricentis is a general-purpose testing platform that offers a variety of testing capabilities, including generative AI-based testing. However, OpenAI and Applitools are focused exclusively on generative AI-based testing, which means they have more experience and expertise in this area.

  • OpenAI and Applitools have more advanced generative AI capabilities. Tricentis's generative AI capabilities are based on its own proprietary technology. OpenAI and Applitools, on the other hand, use generative AI models from OpenAI's GPT-3 family. These models are some of the most advanced generative AI models available, and they can generate screenshots that are more realistic and accurate than those generated by Tricentis's models.

  • OpenAI and Applitools are more integrated with other testing tools. Tricentis's generative AI capabilities are not as well integrated with other testing tools as those from OpenAI and Applitools. This can make it more difficult to use Tricentis's generative AI capabilities with your existing testing infrastructure.

Overall, OpenAI and Applitools offer a more comprehensive and advanced generative AI-based testing solution than Tricentis. If you are looking for a solution that can help you to find more defects, test your application on a wider range of devices and browsers, test your application faster, and save money, then OpenAI and Applitools are a better option than Tricentis.

Here are some additional points you can use to support your pitch:

  • OpenAI and Applitools have a proven track record of helping businesses to find defects, improve the quality of their applications, and save time and money. Tricentis does not have as much experience in generative AI-based testing, so it is not clear how effective its solution will be in helping you to achieve your goals.

  • OpenAI and Applitools are constantly innovating. They are always working on new ways to use generative AI to improve visual testing. This means that you can be confident that you are investing in a solution that will continue to be relevant in the future.

  • OpenAI and Applitools have a strong customer base. This is a testament to the quality of their products and services. If you are considering using generative AI-based testing, then you can be confident that you are joining a community of other businesses that are using these solutions to achieve their goals.

I hope these points help you to build a strong case to pitch OpenAI and Applitools vs. Tricentis for generative AI-based testing.

2: ChatGPT (Reply):

Pitch: OpenAI and Applitools vs. Tricentis for Generative AI-Based Testing

Are you seeking a generative AI-based testing solution that goes beyond what Tricentis offers? Look no further than OpenAI and Applitools, two industry-leading platforms that can elevate your testing practices to new heights. Here's why you should choose OpenAI and Applitools over Tricentis for generative AI-based testing:

  1. Cutting-Edge Generative AI Capabilities: OpenAI's advanced language model, GPT-3.5, brings state-of-the-art generative AI capabilities to the table. With OpenAI, you can automate various testing tasks by leveraging the power of natural language processing and generation. Generate test cases, automate test scripts, and even assist with code documentation effortlessly. OpenAI's generative AI approach enables you to achieve unparalleled automation and innovation in testing.

  2. Specialized Visual AI-Powered Testing: Applitools specializes in visual AI-powered testing and monitoring, setting it apart from Tricentis. Applitools' advanced algorithms automatically detect and flag visual defects in web and mobile applications. By comparing and validating visual elements across browsers, devices, and screen resolutions, Applitools ensures pixel-perfect consistency and user experience. This specialized focus on visual testing gives you an edge in delivering visually flawless applications.

  3. Comprehensive Visual Testing Coverage: Unlike Tricentis, Applitools provides comprehensive visual testing coverage for all aspects of your application. Whether it's UI elements, layout, text, images, or dynamic content, Applitools excels at detecting even subtle UI inconsistencies that traditional testing methods may miss. By leveraging Applitools' visual AI-powered testing, you can confidently ensure that your applications look and perform flawlessly across various platforms.

  4. Efficiency and Time Savings: OpenAI and Applitools offer a significant advantage over Tricentis when it comes to efficiency and time savings. By automating test case generation, script creation, and visual defect detection, you can streamline your testing processes and free up valuable time for your team. This automation reduces manual effort, increases productivity, and accelerates your time to market, giving you a competitive advantage.

  5. Enhanced Software Quality: The combination of OpenAI's generative AI capabilities and Applitools' visual AI-powered testing results in improved software quality. By automating test case generation with OpenAI, you can cover more scenarios and uncover potential issues early in the development cycle. Applitools' advanced visual testing ensures consistent and visually appealing user experiences, reducing user frustration and enhancing overall software quality.

In summary, OpenAI and Applitools outshine Tricentis when it comes to generative AI-based testing. With OpenAI's cutting-edge generative AI capabilities and Applitools' specialized focus on visual AI-powered testing, you can achieve unparalleled automation, efficiency, and software quality. Embrace the power of OpenAI and Applitools to revolutionize your testing practices and stay ahead in today's rapidly evolving software landscape.