OpenAI's Whisper:Convert Audio to Text Formats (Including Time Stamp)

OpenAI's Whisper:Convert Audio to Text Formats (Including Time Stamp)


1 min read

Hi friends,

"Whisper" is a FREE and OpenSource tool from "OpenAI" (The Guy already proven with ChatGPT and DALL-E), Whisper converts audio into text format, and this tool may open more opportunities to many industries.

Let's test the tool as simply as possible.

Step 1:

Open Google Colab from Drive

Step 2:

Install OpenAI Whisper and ffmpeg

!pip install git+
!sudo apt update && sudo apt install ffmpeg

Step 3:

Upload Audio file

Step 4:

Convert Audio files into text format.

!whisper "<audio file>" --model medium.en

!whisper "/content/YouCan.mp3" --model medium.en

Step 5:

Check converted Text formats. you can download it.

Keep Practicing and Keep Smiling.

Thank you

Yours LovingDev
